have rule for some country to enter , there are
country call Calling Visa Country , Calling Visa Country is a country whose condition or state of a
certain degree of vulnerability is viewed from aspects of ideology, political
aspects, economic aspects, social aspects, cultural aspects, aspects of defense
and state security, and aspects of immigration.
Here the
list of certain countries that need calling visa before enter to Indonesia:
- Afghanistan;
- Guinea;
- Israel;
- North Korea;
- Cameroon;
- Liberia;
- Niger;
- Nigeria;
- Pakistan; and
- Somalia
Citizen from
the State Calling visa can apply visa to Indonesia by invitation of guarantor.
The Guarantor must be:
- Indonesian citizens;
- Domiciled in Indonesia;
- Corporations.
For my case
is me as wife is the guarantor for my husband who is Nigerian.
Here the steps of applying for a visa for the calling visa country is as follows :
- Guarantor sends invitation letters to the intended foreigners to the Embassy
- Describe the relationship between the guarantor and the person invited as well as the intention of arrival to Indonesia.
- Attach KTP and Kartu Keluarga from the guarantor.
- After the letter of invite request received by the Embassy, then wait about 1 week till 2 weeks Embassy will contact by phone about the truth of the invitation letter.
- The Embassy will continue the letter to Ministry of Law and Human Right of Indonesia in Jakarta
- Next Ministry of Law and Human Right of Indonesia in Jakarta will contact by phone to confirm the letter and arrange a meeting for its continuation and approval of the letter.
The law that
the guarantor needs to pay attention :
Pasal 63 UU No 6 Tahun
ayat (2):
Penjamin bertanggung jawab atas keberadaan dan kegiatan Orang
Asing yang dijamin selama tinggal di Wilayah Indonesia serta berkewajiban
melaporkan setiap perubahan status sipil, status Keimigrasian, dan perubahan
ayat (3):
Penjamin wajib membayar biaya yang timbul untuk memulangkan atau
mengeluarkan Orang Asing yang dijaminnya dari Wilayah Indonesia apabila Orang
Asing yang bersangkutan: telah habis masa berlaku Izin Tinggalnya dan/atau
dikenai Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian berupa Deportasi;
Pasal 118 UU No 6 Tahun 2011:
Setiap Penjamin yang dengan sengaja memberikan keterangan tidak
benar atau tidak memenuhi jaminan yang diberikannya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam
Pasal 63 ayat (2) dan ayat (3) dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama
5 (lima) tahun dan pidana denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta